5 Strategies for Re-Engaging Inactive Subscribers

5 Strategies to Re-Engage Inactive Subscribers

5 Strategies for Re-Engaging Inactive Subscribers

Inactive subscribers can have a significant impact on email deliverability, which is why it’s important to regularly clean up your email list and remove inactive subscribers. By maintaining a healthy email list, you can improve your sending domain’s reputation, maintain high engagement metrics, reduce bounce rates, and minimize spam complaints. This will help ensure that your emails are delivered to the inbox and that your campaigns are effective.

Inactive Subscribers = Declining Email Deliverability

Inactive subscribers can have a significant impact on email deliverability, which is the ability of an email to reach the inbox of its intended recipient. Here’s how:

Inactive subscribers can negatively impact the reputation of your sending domain, which is the domain from which your emails are sent. Email service providers (ESPs) use this reputation to determine whether or not to deliver your emails to the inbox. If your sending domain has a poor reputation, your emails are more likely to be marked as spam and sent to the recipient’s junk folder.

Engagement Metrics:
ESPs also consider engagement metrics when determining email deliverability. These metrics include open rates, click-through rates, and reply rates. If your inactive subscribers aren’t opening or engaging with your emails, this can lower your overall engagement metrics and decrease your email deliverability.

Bounce Rates:
Bounces occur when an email can’t be delivered to the recipient’s inbox. If your inactive subscribers have outdated or incorrect email addresses, your emails to them may bounce. High bounce rates can also negatively impact your sending domain’s reputation and decrease your email deliverability.

Spam Complaints:
If inactive subscribers mark your emails as spam, this can also negatively impact your sending domain’s reputation and decrease your email deliverability. ESPs take spam complaints seriously, as they indicate that your emails aren’t wanted by your subscribers.

Why Else is it Important to Re-Engage Inactive Subscribers?

Re-engaging inactive subscribers is an important part of maintaining a healthy email list and ensuring the effectiveness of your email campaigns. By re-engaging inactive subscribers, you can increase engagement, improve deliverability, and maximize the ROI of your email marketing efforts.

1. Maintains a Healthy Email List:
Inactive subscribers can negatively impact your overall email metrics and decrease the effectiveness of your campaigns. Re-engaging inactive subscribers helps maintain a healthy email list by removing subscribers who are no longer interested in your content and keeping subscribers who are still engaged with your brand.

2. Increases Engagement:
Re-engaging inactive subscribers can increase engagement with your brand. By targeting inactive subscribers with relevant and personalized content, you can re-engage them and keep them interested in your content. This will increase the overall engagement of your email list, which will help improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.

3. Improves Deliverability:
Inactive subscribers can negatively impact your email deliverability. By re-engaging inactive subscribers, you can improve your deliverability by reducing the number of subscribers with outdated or incorrect email addresses and by reducing the number of subscribers who mark your emails as spam.

4. Maximizes ROI:
Re-engaging inactive subscribers helps maximize the return on investment (ROI) of your email campaigns. By keeping subscribers engaged with your brand, you can ensure that your campaigns are effective and that you’re getting the most out of your email marketing efforts.

So, What Can You Do?

Inactive subscribers can be a challenge for email marketers, but there are strategies you can use to re-engage them and keep them interested in your content. Here are a few strategies to consider.

Segment your email list based on subscriber engagement levels. This will allow you to target inactive subscribers with more specific and relevant content that may interest them.

Personalize your emails by addressing subscribers by name and including relevant content that appeals to their interests. Personalized emails have been shown to have higher open rates and engagement levels.

Re-Engagement Campaigns and Automations:
Re-Engagement campaigns or automations are targeted emails designed to re-engage subscribers who have become inactive or disengaged with a brand’s email content. These campaigns aim to rekindle the interest of subscribers who may have lost interest or stopped opening emails and prompt them to start engaging with the brand again. Re-engagement email campaigns often use personalized messaging and incentives, such as exclusive content or special offers, to draw subscribers back in.

Change the Format:
Consider changing the format of your emails to make them more engaging. For example, try using interactive content such as quizzes or polls, or switch to a more visual format with images and videos.

Provide Value:
Make sure that the content you’re sending to inactive subscribers provides value and is relevant to their interests. This will help to re-engage them and keep them interested in your brand.

In conclusion, re-engaging inactive subscribers can be a challenge, but it’s an important part of maintaining a healthy email list. By using these strategies, you can re-engage inactive subscribers, keep them interested in your brand, and increase the effectiveness of your email campaigns.


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Evolvd Marketing specializes in creating a successful email and SMS marketing strategy that boosts engagement and conversion rates. Struggling to create personalized and effective email and SMS automations? Need to maintain consistent engagement with current customers? Evolvd Marketing has the expertise to help you establish a successful email and SMS marketing plan that drives higher engagement and improved conversions. Reach out today to get started.